Set up in 2010, The Thoughtful Path is a different look at the way charities work with communities. Our flagship programme in Munsieville, South Africa, engages the entire community and enables its most vulnerable children to grow into healthy, productive adults. The Thoughtful Path programme facilitates instead of implementing. Many stakeholders and partner organisations have come together to deliver the best integrated health and support services to the township.
Its focus would be on the transition of Munsieville children from vulnerability to emerge as healthy, productive adults, and not on interventions. The activities would serve the objective and would therefore change throughout the life of the programme. Its strategy would be to stimulate the establishment of a new culture that would be profoundly conducive to child development.
It was recognised by the Board of Project HOPE UK that such deep cultural change would require a timespan significantly longer than the organisation’s previous project life cycles, hence the agreement to commit to the project for no less than ten years.
The organisation’s determination to honour these two commitments has enabled The Thoughtful Path Munsieville to establish a model of care for seriously vulnerable children based on a new paradigm, replacing short-term, uncoordinated interventions with a holistic, long-term approach that mirrors the care received by children in stable, loving, well-resourced families – care based on the multiple, complex needs of the individual rather than the constraints of a “programme”. To facilitate the care of vulnerable children, the organisation has managed to provide several important resources including: The Children’s Embassy, Hope Park with its health, nutrition and educational units, the Children’s Sports and Performing Arts Arena, the e-Zone smallholding and, to be established in 2023/24, a dedicated Adolescent and Youth Friendly Zone to study, to perform and receive vital health and life skill education.
The most significant operational achievements of the first ten years of TPM include:
“I commend Project HOPE UK for its approach and believe it will succeed because, from the very outset, they have honoured the humanity of the people they serve, giving them control, and empowering them to do more - becoming their servants and not seeking to be their masters. And the pinnacle of their achievements is their total belief in the children and youth of the community, constantly investing in them, establishing their House of Young Ambassadors and even providing them with their own Embassy in Munsieville.”
Support our work with children in South Africa – 94p of every £1 donated goes to help enable whole communities to change the way that orphans and other vulnerable children are cared for.
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Project HOPE UK. Registered Charity Number 103945